Friday, February 14, 2020

Unit 2 Seminar public health Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Unit 2 Seminar public health - Essay Example The field entails bringing various resources, systems and techniques so as to maximize on the use of medical knowledge wealth, drug breakthroughs and technological advances available. Medical informatics services can be of help in various health settings, including hospital care, rehabilitation centers, primary care facilities and general practice (John, 2009). Health informants can be used to enhance efficiency and effectiveness of a given health facility. The commonest areas that require their services are the administrative, clinical and medical information (O’Carrol, 2010). For instance, there is a great emphasis for implementing a uniformed system of storing medical records electronically. Not only does it cut down health care cost, but also improves the general quality of care of clients. Furthermore, it also has an impact on billing, scheduling, sharing medical information and clinical research. Health communication and information provided by health informants have really been applied in the hospitals in a number of ways. Doctors generally take opportunity of the constantly expanding knowledge base which enables them to make decisions based on latest information. By health informants providing information on effectiveness of certain drugs, doctors eliminate some prescription mistakes they commit (O’Carrol,

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Reading questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Reading questions - Assignment Example Most importantly, timely data interpretation is crucial as it is not dynamic but static element that may lose its wider meaning if left unattended. When the random data is streamlined into coherent arrangement or format and adds value to the given issue or subject, it is known as information. Thus, information can be broadly described as a process of rearranging data in some specified way so as to reveal certain critical facts about particular issue or subject. The individual entities within a database constitute vital ingredients of facts or information that helps to make rational choice or facilitate decision making process based on informed choice. In research, the information provided by data helps in interpretation of situation and come to certain conclusion. Hence, data help to construct some meaning to issue and reveal new perspectives or confirm existing knowledge. Interview is my favorite data collection method. The major factor that makes it attractive is the human interaction that gives data that can generate new theories about the real life situation. More importantly, it is an art in retrieving vital information from the subject or respondent through his said/unsaid words, behavior and emotions. The interpretation of data generated through interview is also attractive for its social construction of meaning in human behavior. It is a complex process where understanding, sensitivity to the feelings and socio-cultural value system and ethical considerations play crucial role in establishing trust and confidence between the researcher and respondent or interviewee. The relationship building becomes essential part of interview schedule as it helps to get the right information and many times, confidential information that is significant to the research outcome. Another very attractive aspect of interview its format of questions that can not only help to extract vital information without alarming the respondent but tests the critical thinking